IENE to Organize One Day Workshop in Zagreb on “Croatia and the SE European Energy Bridge”

IENE to Organize One Day Workshop in Zagreb on “Croatia and the SE European Energy Bridge”In response to the intense energy changes that are now in evidence in the broader region of SE Europe and the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and the armed conflict in Iraq and the Middle East, the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) in co-operation with the Croatian Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (EIHP) is organizing a one day workshop in Zagreb, Croatia on October 10th, 2014.

In response to the intense energy changes that are now in evidence in the broader region of SE Europe and the unfolding crisis in Ukraine and the armed conflict in Iraq and the Middle East, the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) in co-operation with the Croatian Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar (EIHP) is organizing a one day workshop in Zagreb, Croatia on October 10th, 2014. The purpose of the Zagreb workshop is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from Croatia, the countries of West Balkans, the wider SE European area and from EU institutions with the objective of exchanging information and ideas, networking and discussions on the action required in order to meet the mounting energy and environmental challenges of the region. Moreover, the workshop will discuss the latest developments in the electricity, oil and gas, renewable energy (RES) and energy efficiency areas and assess Croatia’s role as part of the broader SE Europe Energy corridor. Energy security will be central in the agenda of this high level meeting and will be reviewed in the context of achieved progress in the West Balkans towards energy market integration and latest geopolitical developments in Eurasia and the Middle East.

The last twelve months have seen a series of key developments taking place in SE Europe, the result of major investment decisions on large energy infrastructure works which had over the last decade been in limbo, pending goal clarification and refocusing of objectives, design evolution, project maturity, financial and political backing. These regional and intraregional mega projects such as the South Stream pipeline, the TAP - TANAP system and IAP interregional pipeline, critical gas and electricity interconnections, FSRU terminals and nuclear plants have a distinctive geopolitical flavour as they appear to a large extent to dictate energy policies at local level. At the same time Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Efficiency have made important strides as they appear capable of providing additional electricity and thermal capacity which can help decrease further the region’s energy dependence and may indeed contribute to the upgrading of SE Europe’s geopolitical role.

A number of top experts from Croatia and other SE European countries have been invited to participate and address the region’s energy challenges focusing on Croatia’s key role. Invited speakers and panellists so far include:

Dr. Goran Granic, General Manager, Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, (EIHP), Croatia, Mrs Natasa Mihajlovic, Head of unit for Energy Policy,Ministry of Economy, Croatia, Mr. Marin Zovko, President of the Board of Plinacro,Croatia, Mr. Spyros Paleoyannis, Executive Director, DEPA, Greece, Mr. Nijaz Dizdarevic, Electricity Expert, EIHP, Croatia, Mr. Alexandar Mijuscovic, Department Director, Crnogorski Elektroprenosni, Sistem AD – CGES, SEE CAO activities and Montenegrin TSO achievements, Montenegro, Mr. Davor Bajs, Projects Coordinator, EIHP, Croatia, Dr Lahorko Wagmann, Director of Sector for Electricity, Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA), Croatia, Mr. Damjan Medjimorec, Chief of Executive Office and Vice-President of ENTSO-E, Croatian Transmission System Operator (HOPS), Croatia, Mr. Damir Pesut, Department for Energy System Planning, EIHP, Croatia, Mrs Vesna Bukarica, Energy Efficiency Fund and Environmental Protection Fund, Croatia, Mr. Goran Bejdic, Exploration Project Manager, INA, Croatia, Mrs. Gordana Sekulic, Strategic Development & Planning Department Manager, JANAF, Croatia- Mr. Milan Zdravković, Development Sector Director, JP Srbijagas, Serbia, Mr. Vladimir Đurović, Manager, Development Division Department, Plinacro Ltd, Croatia, Mr. Robert Bošnjak, Sector Expert, EIHP, Croatia and Mr. Aleš Peternel, Slovenian National Oil Committee, Slovenia

This workshop, which will take place at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb, is open only to IENE members and invitees from Croatia’s energy sector companies and institutions. Interested delegates are kindly requested to send a short e-mail to [email protected] with their name and affiliation expressing their intent to participate in the workshop.

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