IENE to Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary with Festive Business Luncheon

IENE to Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary with Festive Business LuncheonTo celebrate IENE’s ten year anniversary the Institute is organizing a high profile festive Business Luncheon on May 8, 2014 at the “Aegli” restaurant in Zappeion, in central Athens

To celebrate IENE’s ten year anniversary the Institute is organizing a high profile festive Business Luncheon on May 8, 2014 at the "Aegli” restaurant in Zappeion, in central Athens.

Greece’s political leadership has been invited to participate in this special IENE event, as it coincides with the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2014. Thus, the Prime Minister of Greece, Mr. Antonis Samaras, has been invited to speak at the business luncheon, whereas the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Mr. Ioannis Maniatis, as well as Deputy Minister, Mr. Makis Papageorgiou, will also address the participants.

This Business Luncheon on the occasion of IENE’s 10th Anniversary will open with a welcome message and introductory remarks by the Institute’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis. The participants of the Business Luncheon will then have the opportunity to watch a video documentary on ΙΕΝΕ’s activities in SE Europe specially prepared for this occasion. The video documentary focuses on the Institute’s established regional conference, the South East Europe Energy Dialogue (SEEED), which is being convened for the last eight years in Thessaloniki, as well on IENE’s major reference study, the "South East Europe Energy Outlook”, the first detailed and in-depth study covering all aspects of the energy sector in SE Europe.

As the video documentary will show, IENE has emerged as a regional umbrella organization which facilitates the networking of scientists, experts, academics, professionals, government officials and representatives of international organizations involved in the energy field in SE Europe and beyond, serving as a platform of dialogue and the free exchange of information.

In his keynote speech IENE’s Chairman, Mr. John Chadjivassiliadis is expected to outline the opportunities and challenges that the energy sector is currently facing, in combination with the trends in both SE Europe and the EU, at the role that IENE could play. The Chairman of the Institute is expected to make special reference to IENE’s future goals and prospects. The former Chairman (2009-2013) of ΙΕΝΕ, Dr. Ioannis Desypris, as well as the Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Committee, Prof. Pantelis Capros (Director of E3MLab, NTUA, Athens) will address this celebratory Business Luncheon, referring to the Institute’s various activities as well as to Greece’s prospects stemming from the recent reforms in its energy sector.

In addition, there will be messages from IENE’s international and regional associates, highlighting the Institute’s role in promoting dialogue and co-operation in the energy sector in SE Europe. More specifically Mr. Slav Slavov, as Regional Co-ordinator of the World Energy Council (WEC) will be one of the guest speakers to address this unique business gathering.

The Business Luncheon on IENE’s 10th Anniversary will end with concluding remarks by Dr. Ioannis Mazis, Professor of Economic Geography (Dept of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), who will comment on IENE’s role and activities from a geopolitical perspective in the light of latest political and economic developments in the broader region.

The business luncheon is sponsored by the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) of Greece, Terna Energy S.A. and the Energean Oil & Gas company. The event’s supporters include EDF Energies Nouvelles, the Hellenic Exchanges Group, Enel Green Power and the well known law firm of Kyriakides Georgopoulos.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE