IENE Revised Events Schedule for 2014

IENE Revised Events Schedule for 2014According to latest planning by IENE staff, the Institute’s schedule of events for 2014 has been revised to reflect the course of energy developments in the region. An important change is the cancellation of the Gala Dinner to celebrate IENE’s first 10 years which was originally scheduled for March 19, 2014. The 10 years IENE celebration will now take the form of a business luncheon to be held in Athens, on May 8 at the Aegli establishment in Zappeion in downtown Athens. Full details will become available early in March

According to latest planning by IENE staff, the Institute’s schedule of events for 2014 has been revised to reflect the course of energy developments in the region. An important change is the cancellation of the Gala Dinner to celebrate IENE’s first 10 years which was originally scheduled for March 19, 2014. The 10 years IENE celebration will now take the form of a business luncheon to be held in Athens, on May 8 at the Aegli establishment in Zappeion in downtown Athens. Full details will become available early in March.

On March 19, the "1st IENE Energy and Geopolitics Roundtable” will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. This closed High Level Meeting which will focus on the region’s changing geopolitical parameters will include energy experts from Bulgaria and Greece. This Roundtable aims to highlight the key geopolitics issues related to energy in the broader SE European region. This meeting, which coincides with the Greek Presidency of the Council of European Union, will be the first of a series of such meetings to be organized in the different capitals of SE Europe.

Plans have now been finalized for the "3rdCyprus Energy Symposium" which will take place at the Hilton Park Hotel in Nicosia on March 27-28. Full details are given in the conference banner which has been uploaded on IENE’s website ( Also the "3rd International Energy and Shipping" annual seminar has now been rescheduled for May 20 and will be held at the Eugenides Foundation in Athens.

The "8th SE Europe Energy Dialogue" is also going ahead as originally planned for June 11-12, 2014 and will take place in Thessaloniki, at the Makedonia Palace Hotel. Again full details are provided in the "8th SEEED" banner which has been uploaded on IENE’s web site.

A Workshop on the "Opening up the West Balkans Energy Market”, will now take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on October10, 2014, underlining IENE’s focus on regional energy market integration and especially the work that has been achieved by Energy Community to this end.

The "19th IENE Energy & Development Conference", Greece’s established National Energy Conference, is, once more, organized by the Institute in Athens, on November 10 – 12.

A major project for the European energy supply, that of the South Stream natural gas pipeline, will be the subject of IENE’s Regional Workshop, which is scheduled for December 10. The "South Stream and its impact on SE Europe" Workshop, will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, and detailed information on its organization will be available through in due course.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE