IENE Releases «News Flash» Report on Donald Trump’s Energy Agenda

IENE Releases «News Flash» Report on Donald Trump’s Energy Agenda“Now that the dust has settled after Donald Trump’s unexpected, earth-shattering win on Nov. 8 and 9 in the U.S. presidential election, we are beginning to see more clearly the shape that his administration’s energy policy may take and more particularly his plans for Oil and Gas which are far more advanced them let us say for electricity, renewables and Climate Change” notes IENE in its latest “News Flash” report released yesterday and sent to its members

"Now that the dust has settled after Donald Trump’s unexpected, earth-shattering win on Nov. 8 and 9 in the U.S. presidential election, we are beginning to see more clearly the shape that his administration’s energy policy may take and more particularly his plans for Oil and Gas which are far more advanced them let us say for electricity, renewables and Climate Change” notes IENE in its latest "News Flash” report released yesterday and sent to its members.

"Trump’s convincing victory in the electoral college will give him the ability to reshape the energy industry in the USand around the world. His hand will be strengthened by Republican control of Congress. Parts of Mr Trump’s agenda will face resistance in Congress, but his energy policy is unlikely to be one of those areas”, notes IENE’s News Flash. "Trump’s support for oil, gas and coal, his commitment to deregulation and his rejection of climate policy are all well aligned with mainstream Republican thinking” underlines IENE in its News Flash.

"Having the opportunity to appoint at least one justice to the Supreme Court will also be important: many of the key issues in US energy have been fought out in the courts in recent years. However,many of Mr Trump’s plans can also be implemented without legislation, by regulatory rule-making and executive orders. With Congress against him, President Barack Obama was able to advance his energy and climate agenda only by using his executive powers, and those measures can be reversed in the same way”, adds IENE in this special report.

This latest IENE report also presents in some detail the president elect’s agenda on Climate Change and his plan to pull out of the COP 21 agreement, and his determination to boost oil, gas and coal production. Information is also given on likely policy changes in renewables but also plans to move ahead with the construction of the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, including the Dakota Access.

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