IENE Released a Special News Flash to Assess the Impact of the Russian-Ukraine Gas Crisis on SE Europe

Friday, 20 June 2014

IENE Released a Special News Flash to Assess the Impact of the Russian-Ukraine Gas Crisis on SE Europe

In addition to its monthly ‘Market Watch’ publication, part of its SE Europe Energy Brief series, which was sent to IENE members today, the Institute released yesterday a special News Flash on the impact of the latest Russian-Ukrainian crisis on SE European countries

In addition to its monthly ‘Market Watch’ publication, part of its SE Europe Energy Brief series, which was sent to IENE members today, the Institute released yesterday a special News Flash on the impact of the latest Russian-Ukrainian crisis on SE European countries. This six page report provides full background information on Russia’s decision to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine, and the events that lead to this new gas crisis, the third one in a row following similar situation in 2006 and 2009.

Furthermore this IENE News Flash reports on the impact on gas prices during the week that passed and how international oil prices rises, following hostilities in Iraq, are more likely to affect price rises at Gazprom, the main gas suppliers to the region, since it uses oil indexed long term contracts. In addition this latest News Flash contains some very interesting assessments on the impact of this latest Russian-Ukrainian crisis to the operation of the gas markets in the various countries of the region.

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