IENE Outlined Regional Investment Outlook in Energy Conference in Belgrade

IENE Outlined Regional Investment Outlook in Energy Conference in BelgradeMr. Costis Stambolis, IENE’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, participated as an invited guest in the 10th annual “Regional Conference on Safe and Profitable Investing in Energy: Balkan- The New European Energy Source”, that took place in Belgrade (Sava Center), the capital of Serbia, on March 20, 2013. The conference, organized by ΜΜ International, was attended by more than 200 people from Serbia, other countries of the former Republic of Yugoslavia and from SE Europe in general

Mr. Costis Stambolis, IENE’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, participated as an invited guest in the 10th annual "Regional Conference on Safe and Profitable Investing in Energy: Balkan- The New European Energy Source”, that took place in Belgrade (Sava Center), the capital of Serbia, on March 20, 2013. The conference, organized by ΜΜ International, was attended by more than 200 people from Serbia, other countries of the former Republic of Yugoslavia and from SE Europe in general. Power generation, power grid management, transmission and distribution of natural gas and energy efficiency, with special reference to buildings and energy policies and strategies were among the topics discussed in the conference. The conference’s keynote speaker was the Minister of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, Ms. Zorana Mihajlovic.

IENE’s Executive Director took part in two sessions. The first was a panel discussion on "Profitable and Safe Investing in Energy of Serbia and Balkans”, in the morning of March 20, where also Ljubomir Aksentijevic ( Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection), Loup Brefort ( World Bank), Dirk Buschle ( Energy Community Secretariat) and Vladimir Milovanovic (Energoprojekt Holding) participated. In his brief opening remarks, Mr. Stambolis referred to the Institute’s activities in SE Europe and its studies on energy investments in the region, and especially in the Western Balkans. He stressed the crucial role of energy related investments as a key factor contributing to a positive overall investment climate.

Moreover, Mr. Stambolis participated as a speaker in a special session in the afternoon of the same day. The topic of his presentation was "Investing in Energy in SE Europe”, drawing considerable data from IENE’s major reference study on "SE Europe Energy Outlook”, but also referring to updated information on latest international developments concerning prices of oil and natural gas, as well as on investments in electricity, upstream, oil refining, natural gas and RES in SE Europe. For detailed information on the 10th annual "Regional Conference on Safe and Profitable Investing in Energy”, please visit www.massmediainternational.euThe presentation of IENE’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director is available here.

During his stay in Belgrade, Mr. Stambolis had the opportunity to meet with executives from Serbia’ s energy sector, including the country’s energy regulator (AERS), the natural gas company Serbgas, oil company NΙS, electricity company EPS as well as with Energoprojekt, Serbia’s leading international energy consulting company.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE