IENE’s past year achievements and the outlook for 2025 outlined by Chairman in his message to the Institute’s Partners and Associates

Friday, 31 January 2025

IENE’s past year  achievements and the outlook for 2025 outlined by Chairman in his message to the Institute’s Partners and Associates

In his New Year message to the Partners and Associates of the Institute which has just being released, the Chairman, Mr.Costis Stambolis, stressed that last year was pivotal in achieving regional outreach given the great emphasis that was placed in the organisation of events and visits to several counties in SE Europe and beyond. More specifically IENE’s Chairman noted, that “in the course of the first half of 2024 we managed to organize successfully four important regional events. The first one which was held in Bucharest, on March 13, was organized jointly with our partner in Romania, Eugenia Gusilov and her Romania Energy Centre (ROEC). This well attended one day event focused on the Decarbonization Policies in SE Europe-between Climate Change and War. A number of useful lessons were drawn as was evidenced in the high level discussion which followed. Eugenia is to be congratulated for expertly managing and moderating this important colloquium.”


“Of huge importance as far as bilateral relations and regional cooperation is concerned, was the event which IENE convened in Istanbul on April 25 in order to examine Greek-Turkish relations in the energy sector. Titled “1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum” the event proved a great success as it managed to draw a crowd of some 120 delegates and was supported by a group of Greek and Turkish companies. The assistance and encouragement provided by IENE’s partners in Turkiye, namely Gokhan Yardim, Yurdakul Yugiguden and Mustafa Tiris proved not only helpful but was absolutely crucial in staging this demanding event and I sincerely wish to thank them for their warm interest and unfaltering support. Of great value was the support, in the form of sponsorship, provided by EPIAS, which is headed by its CEO, Taha Meli Arvas who is a good friend of IENE.”

“Then, on May 30 in Tirana the Institute with the support of its two partners in Albania, namely Prof. Stavri Dhima and Shelqiuim Bozgo, to whom I am really grateful, and in association with the Hellenic Business Association in Albania and the Sea Consulting Group, organized the 3d Tirana Energy Forum. The event, which was also, backed by IPTO, proved a great success as in the short space of one day it managed to cover the whole spectrum of Albania’s dynamic energy sector. Many marks go to our two partners in Albania for their tremendous contribution and support.”

“Capping all this activity in the Balkans and beyond was the 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue which was held in Thessaloniki on June 19/20 and as usual attracted a large crowd of speakers and attendees from all over SE Europe and was well supported by several sponsor companies, organizations and media partners. We were fortunate to have as Raporteur our good friend and IENE Visiting Research Fellow, John Roberts who provided a most useful narrative for this major event.”

“An equally important event in the second half of the year was the annual “Energy & Development” conference, held in Athens on November 6-7, which was followed by the 12 th Cyprus Energy Symposium on November 15 in Nicosia and the Webinar on “Energy Security in SE Europe in View of Rising Geopolitical Tensions” which took place on December 9. A final mini event took place in Athens on December 16 where the Institute presented its annual report on Greece’s Energy Sector 2024 to an invited audience.”

Also, of great interest was IENE’s participation, with a keynote presentation (here) by myself, in last year’s COP29 conference in Baku, Azerbaijan on November 19. The presentation, which was well attended, took place in the Greek Pavillion and was expertly moderated by Dr.Charles Ellinas, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council and Visiting  Research Fellow of IENE who also happened to be participating in COP29. All IENE events are fully documented and can be accessed through the relevant microsites which can be found in the events category at


Focusing on the research and study work of the Institute, the Chairman  made reference to a number of critical studies that were completed in the course of few weeks at the end of last year ( here). These included the second phase of the Institute’s original study on CCUS applications in Greece and focused on the CCUS Cost-Benefit Analysis for the implementation of a CCUS hub in the Attica region and the study on the East Mediterranean Energy Options. Both of these projects will be presented in special events in the first quarter of 2025.

Furthermore, the Chairman observed, that, “last year was an important year in opening up an important new chapter in the Institute’s professional capabilities through the provision of Advisory Services. Although in the past on two occasions IENE provided such services, mainly for the issuing of Green Bonds, this time the Institute was called upon to provide custom made proprietary services for a major international consulting firm, namely Grant Thornton. The said company had undertaken a major study on behalf of IPTO, Greece’ Independent Transmission Operator, to look into the feasibility of developing the Green Aegean Interconnector which will carry substantial amounts of electricity from Greece, via the Adriatic, north towards Austria and South Germany. Recognizing IENE’s extensive expertise and partner network, Grant Thrornton used IENE as subcontractor to study specific regulatory, licencing, governance and risk mitigation issues related to this major new electricity Interconnector. The study guidelines were agreed in August and the completed work was submitted in final form in mid December. The IENE team, apart from myself and Dimitris Mezartasoglou from the head office also included our partner In Montenegro, engineer Aleksandar Mijuskevic and one of our partners in Athens, the lawyer Mrs. Evgenia Giannini.”


“As we move ahead this year the Institute’s efforts are focusing in completing the major study which we started last year and will form the material for IENE’ flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2025”, scheduled for release in July this year. Upon publication a number of roadshows are planned in all different capitals in SE Europe. Prior to publication of the study, and well before going to press, the Institute intends to organize an online meeting of all researchers and analysts involved in its preparation. The purpose of this meeting, which is most likely to take place in early March, is to review the contents, identify pitfalls and discuss certain key aspects of this voluminous work.”


“Another important study is now in the process of taking off and concerns the new electricity Interconnectors which are under construction or being planned in the East Mediterranean and the Adriatic titled, “Towards a Regional Electricity Network: Electricity Interconnections in the East Mediterranean and the Adriatic”. This study is being conducted on a multi client basis and already several major companies in the region have expressed their interest to engage in this important project. More information on that will become available as the Institute finalizes the group of supporting partners.”

“There are two other important projects which the Institute is now pursuing and which I think you should know about. These involve two new programmes, which will be added on to the current programmes which IENE is currently engaged, details of which you may find in The first of these two new programmes is concerned with “Regional Energy Security” and the second one examines “Innovation in Energy”. Once adequate funding has been secured for both of these programmes they will be announced. In undertaking these two programmes the Institute aims to capitalize on the experience and expertise gained so far and also in maximizing synergies among its staff, associates and partners. To support all this work the Institute has prepared a series of events in the region details of which you may find (here).”

Concluding his message to the Institute’s Partners and Associates, the Chairman said that, “in anticipation of one more year of constructive IENE activity I really look forward to the great challenges and opportunities which lie ahead. In addition, I am anxious in furthering the working relationship and friendly ties which I have established over the years with several of you and in consolidating cooperation in a variety of areas of common interest.”



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