IENE Launches New Energy Weekly Newsletter

IENE Launches New Energy Weekly NewsletterFollowing termination of IENE’s co-operation with See News, the Sofia based business information organisation, through which it provided its members with a daily news feed, the Institute went ahead with plans for the preparation of a corresponding weekly newsletter. This was launched two weeks ago and already two issues (November 23 and November 30) have been published and sent to IENE members and associates. The Energy Weekly Newsletter is sent to all members and associates every Monday

Following termination of IENE’s co-operation with See News, the Sofia based business information organisation, through which it provided its members with a daily news feed, the Institute went ahead with plans for the preparation of a corresponding weekly newsletter. This was launched two weeks ago and already two issues (November 23 and November 30) have been published and sent to IENE members and associates. The Energy Weekly Newsletter is sent to all members and associates every Monday.

The IENE Energy Weekly Newsletter covers all aspects of the energy sector including important updates in energy policy, primarily in SE Europe and in the EU but also globally, if of paramount interest (e.g. the current Climate Change talks in Paris), major regional energy developments, latest news from the oil and gas industry, from the electricity market and co-generation, from renewables and energy efficiency. As far as the SE European region is concerned IENE’s Weekly Energy Newsletter covers the West Balkans, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey but also peripheral countries of interest to SE Europe such as Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Italy and Central European countries.

The IENE Energy Weekly Newsletter is sponsored by Hellenic Petroleum SA, SE Europe’s and Greece’s leading energy company.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE