IENE Joins the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative as Supporting Organisation

IENE Joins the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative as Supporting OrganisationIENE’s research interest in the energy self-sufficiency of islands, especially the non-interconnected ones, through the introduction of clean energy solutions, has already been demonstrated by its recent study for the “Energy Transition of the Island of Kastellorizo”. The study presents a detailed plan to address the problem of power generation in non-interconnected islands by ensuring high reliability and resilience, while securing energy supply.

IENE’s research interest in the energy self-sufficiency of islands, especially the non-interconnected ones, through the introduction of clean energy solutions, has already been demonstrated by its recent study for the "Energy Transition of the Island of Kastellorizo”. The study presents a detailed plan to address the problem of power generation in non-interconnected islands by ensuring high reliability and resilience, while securing energy supply. The proposed main pillars of power generation include wind energy, solar energy and li-ion battery-based electricity storage, while promoting an extensive electrification scenario for the island's energy needs. The system selection was designed to meet Kastellorizo's anticipated energy needs over the next 10-15 years and includes all the decision-making steps for the selection of the energy system's generating units.

In this context, IENE joined as a supporting organization the "Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative” whereby the Institute is to contribute specific expertise for the full decarbonization of selected islands in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. The "Clean Energy for EU Islands” was created to facilitate the clean energy transition on EU islands from the bottom up. It is built on the vision that in order to assure the best environment for change and to benefit all members of the island communities, a balanced collaboration between public and private stakeholders is essential. For this reason, the quadruple helix approach is used, helping citizens, local authorities, local businesses and academic institutions work together to advance the clean energy transition on their islands.

As a supporting organization, IENE will assist in obtaining relevant and accurate advice for the island communities to proceed with their Clean Energy Transition Agendas. The Institute will share knowledge, experiences, best practices, tools or resources relevant to the members of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative while also promoting the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative. Finally, IENE will collaborate with existing and potential new members of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Community and with other Supporting Organisations of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative in order to strengthen island communities and foster their joint and coordinated clean energy action plans.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE