IENE Has Just Released its Latest Geopolitics Bulletin

IENE Has Just Released its Latest Geopolitics BulletinEarlier today IENE released its latest “Geopolitics Bulletin” (Issue Nr 12 – April 2018) which was sent to all its members. Prepared by the Institute’s "Energy and Geopolitics” committee which is chaired by oil industry veteran and MoB, Christos Dimas, this “Bulletin” is an occasional publication which attempts to map latest geopolitical developments related to energy while offering some useful insights as to the likely outcome of current crises and threats

Earlier today IENE released its latest "Geopolitics Bulletin” (Issue Nr 12 – April 2018) which was sent to all its members. Prepared by the Institute’s "Energy and Geopolitics” committee which is chaired by oil industry veteran and MoB, Christos Dimas, this "Bulletin” is an occasional publication which attempts to map latest geopolitical developments related to energy while offering some useful insights as to the likely outcome of current crises and threats.

This latest issue of IENE’s "Geopolitics Bulletin” deals with all latest developments in the overall strategy of the United States under the administration of President Donald Trump. These include the repercussions of the recently imposed US tariffs on steel and aluminum, under the light of the ongoing "trade war” with China, the attempt of a rapprochement between Washington and Pyongyang, as well as the implications of the – not so unexpected after all – dismissal of the former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

While commenting on Vladimir’s Putin broad victory in the latest Russian presidential elections, this issue of IENE’s "Geopolitics Bulletin” analyses the international relations of Moscow. Furthermore, a large part of this issue addresses the current situation in Syria, analyzing the stance of the major players, i.e. Russia, Iran, France, the US and especially Turkey. The international relations of the latter is being examined in relation to its faltering economy. The Bulletin also describes the latest developments concerning hydrocarbon exploitation and recent findings in the Eastern Mediterranean and the tensions these have created between Turkey and the Republic of Cyprus.

In addition, this issue focuses on a large range of issues in the EU: the efforts by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron to revive European unification, the ongoing rise of Euro-skepticism, with the Italian elections being its latest episode etc.

Last but certainly not least, the 12 issue of "Geopolitics Bulletin” published by IENE describes the complicated relations between the EU and the West Balkan countries, as well as the strategy of players like Turkey, Russia, but also, more recently, China in this very sensitive region.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE