IENE forges links with REKK, Hungary’s leading energy institute

IENE forges links with REKK, Hungary’s leading energy instituteFollowing earlier contacts and a visit to Budapest on November 4 by IENE’s Secretary General Mr.Costas Theofylactos, the Institute is forging working links with one of Central Europe’s leading energy think tanks. The REKK institute( is widely recognised in the region for its first class analytical skills and timely interventions on issues related to energy policy

Following earlier contacts and a visit to Budapest on November 4 by IENE’s Secretary General Mr.Costas Theofylactos, the Institute is forging working links with one of Central Europe’s leading energy think tanks. The REKK institute( is widely recognised in the region for its first class analytical skills and timely interventions on issues related to energy policy.

REKK’s scientific staff comprises mainly of economists trained on energy issues and a small team of engineers working in the Power and Gas sector, District Heating as well as on Climate Change and Renewables. REKK has strong links with the University of Corvinus where it is housed with funding provided by the University as well as from Hungary’s leading energy companies. In addition REKK is active in European programmes having successfully participated in several projects over the last ten years.

It is worth noting that in-house REKK experts have developed a sophisticated mathematical model which is used to analyse and simulate energy demand and power and gas flows. This tool is used to study international projects but also to predict energy system behaviour in Hungary. Other areas of interest where REKK is developing competences include hydrogen and energy security.

During his stay in Budapest Costas Theofylactos held meetings at REKK’s offices with the Director Mr. Szabo Lazlo, Ms.Barga Katalin ( senior energy economist) and Ms. Toth Borbala ( senior energy economist) Following respective briefings on the activities and interests of the two institutes it was agreed that cooperation could be established on a number of areas including European Programmes, jointly authored papers and studies, public consultations at EU level and participation in conferences and seminars organised by the two organisations. In this context Costas Theofylactos extended an invitation to REKK to participate in IENE’s forthcoming 14 th SEE Energy Dialogue which is scheduled for June 2023 in Thessaloniki.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE