IENE Elects New Executive Committee at AGM

IENE Elects New Executive Committee at AGMThe 26th General Assembly of the Partners of the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) took place on Thursday, July 6, 2017. Following an invitation by the Chairman of the Institute, Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis, the partners of IENE met at the offices of the KG Law Firm, through the kind offices of its General Secretary, Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos

The 26th General Assembly of the Partners of the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) took place on Thursday, July 6, 2017. Following an invitation by the Chairman of the Institute, Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis, the partners of IENE met at the offices of the KG Law Firm, through the kind offices of its General Secretary, Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos.

Having ascertained that the AGM was in quorum, the Chairman welcomed all fifteen partners who were present and between them represented officially an additional seven partners who did not make it to the meeting.

The Chairman then asked the Deputy Chairman and Executive Director of the Institute, Mr. Costis Stambolis, to present the annual report for 2016 including the financial statement. The report covered the Institute’s main activities including publications, research, studies and events organized by IENE and also the Institute’s participation in public consultations.

The financial statement and accounts were then presented by the Executive Director and corroborated by the Institute’s accountant Mr. Dimitris Kosmas. Total revenue for 2016 was €217,920 with a net profit of €4,542 reported. Then the partners unanimously approved the annual report and accounts and absolved the Executive Committee and the Executive Director of any liabilities.

The Chairman then informed the General Assembly of the need to elect a new Executive Committee since the term of office of the present one expired at the end of June.

Following a unanimous decision by the AGM a new Executive Committee was appointed, which will hold office until the end of June 2019. The composition of the new Executive Committee is as follows:

  • Chairman, Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis
  • 1st Deputy-Chairman, Mr. Costis Stambolis
  • 2nd Deputy-Chairman, Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos
  • General Secretary, Mr. Constantinos Theofylaktos
  • Member, Mr. Thomas Lamnides
  • Member, Mr. Dionysios Xenos
  • Member, Mr. Anastasios Tosios
  • Ex Officio Member, Prof. Pantelis Kapros
  • Ex Officio Member, Mr. Nicolas Sofianos

Mr. Costis Stambolis was re-elected as the Institute's Executive Director for the above two-year period.

The Chairman of IENE then concluded the AGM and thanked the partners for their participation.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE