IENE Convenes Ad Hoc Afternoon Meeting to Discuss the Security of Greece’s Energy System

IENE Convenes Ad Hoc Afternoon Meeting to Discuss the Security of Greece’s Energy SystemIn view of the significant problems recently faced by Greece’s energy system, when the country’s electricity network nearly collapsed on two occasions and black-outs were averted only in the last minute, IENE decided to organize a special ad hoc afternoon meeting in order to examine the perilous state that the electricity and gas infrastructures found themselves in when demand soared for many days in subzero temperatures

In view of the significant problems recently faced by Greece’s energy system, when the country’s electricity network nearly collapsed on two occasions and black-outs were averted only in the last minute, IENE decided to organize a special ad hoc afternoon meeting in order to examine the perilous state that the electricity and gas infrastructures found themselves in when demand soared for many days in subzero temperatures.

At the latest General Assembly of IENE, on February 13, the poor response of Greece’s energy system during last December and January was discussed and it was decided that a special meeting be held to look into the whole situation and propose possible remedies.

IENE’s special afternoon meeting on "The Security of the Greek Energy System” will take place on Wednesday, March 15, in the afternoon, at the Electra Palace Hotel, in Athens (18 Nikodimou Str., Plaka). The scope of the event is to examine and analyze the various weaknesses and incapacities in the operation of the country’s energy system, but also to search for realistic solutions in order to ring fence the system in future in the event of adverse weather conditions, normally leading to high demand, but also to prepare to handle unforeseeable natural phenomena or other types of interference (eg. hacking).

High ranking officers from Greece’s state energy organizations and companies (DEI-Power Public Company, ADMIE-Independent Power Transmission Operator, LAGIE-Operator of the Electricity Market, DEPA-Natural Gas Public Company etc.), but also representatives from large private energy production and trading companies, as well as government officials, will be among participants of this unique IENE event.

The detailed programme and information concerning participation in this IENE meeting, which is open only to IENE members, will soon become available on

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE