IENE contributed to IEA’s “In Depth Energy Policy Review of Greece”

IENE contributed to IEA’s “In Depth Energy Policy Review of Greece” Following an invitation by the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the IEA, IENE participated on July 14 in IEA’s “In Depth Energy Policy Review of Greece” which is taking place all of this week in Athens. An eight person strong team of IEA experts and analysts have positioned themselves in a specially arranged room on the Ministry’s 6th floor and have been receiving representatives from most public and private energy companies and organizations in Greece.

Following an invitation by the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the IEA, IENE participated on July 14 in IEA’s “In Depth Energy Policy Review of Greece” which is taking place all of this week in Athens. An eight person strong team of IEA experts and analysts have positioned themselves in a specially arranged room on the Ministry’s 6th floor and have been receiving representatives from most public and private energy companies and organizations in Greece.  

As part of its presentation, IENE prepared a series of comments criticizing certain parts of Greece’s current energy policy. These covered: the lack of Energy Security considerations in the current Greek energy policy, the misguided energy transition targets for Greece’s islands, the weak policy measures for Energy Efficiency in Public and Residential Buildings, and the lack of support for Cogeneration of Heat + Power.

In this IEA hearing the Institute was represented by Mr. Costis Stambolis, Chairman and Executive Director of IENE, Mr. Costas Theofylaktos, IENE’s Secretary General and Chairman of IENE’s Energy Efficiency Committee, and Ms. Irene Terzidou, Resident Research Fellow at IENE.

You can find IENE’s presentation here.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE