IENE Announces Schedule of Events for 2015

IENE Announces Schedule of Events for 2015Few days ago the Institute finalized its plans for the events it intends to organise next year. In January and February the first three events will be held in Greece including the New Year reception (January 14) and a round table οn Greece’s energy strategies and how these fit in EU’s current energy policy (January 22)

Few days ago the Institute finalized its plans for the events it intends to organise next year. In January and February the first three events will be held in Greece including the New Year reception (January 14) and a round table οn Greece’s energy strategies and how these fit in EU’s current energy policy (January 22). This event to be organised in cooperation with the Athens office of the European Parliament. On February 18 the Institute intends to organise an afternoon colliquiem on "Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the East Mediterranean” including the presentation of an IENE study on Greece’s long term outlook in the upstream sector.

Then on March 12, the Institute is convening a highly topical one day regional conference in Vienna to examine the "Energy Security and Gas Supply in SE Europe”, with participation expected from several countries in SE Europe but also from major regional and international organizations. In view of the importance now attached in the implementation of the South Corridor and following cancellation of the South Stream project and alternative plans now discussed for re-routing Russian and Caspian gas to Europe, this event acquires a special significance as the debate on European energy security has become a dominant feature of East-West relations.

Following the Vienna conference another major IENE event will be the one day regional meeting to be held in Bucharest, in Romania on May 6 to look into the "Nuclear Option for SE Europe”. With plans now being accelerated for the construction of a number of new nuclear reactors in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey a broader discussion on the significance of nuclear energy in SE Europe’s power sector is now pertinent. This one day conference will be organised in association with the Romanian Energy Centre (ROEC) with whom IENE has already established close cooperation. Then in early summer a small workshop is planned to take place in Ankara or Istanbul to discuss Turkey’s role in the Se European Energy Bridge. At the end of June a working group will meet in Athens to review the findings of IENE’s major research project ,the "SE Europe Energy Outlook for 2015”, now being prepared, and which is scheduled for publication in late October 2015.

At the new year progresses IENE will be making detailed announcements for each one of the above events. It is possible that some of the dates for the above events may move few days forward or backwards, although every effort will be made to adhere to the dates announced. The full list of the 2015 IENE events is to be found in the Events sector of the present site.

On September 23-25 a major exhibition on "South East Europe Oil and Gas” is to be organised in Athens by leading international exhibition group ITE in cooperation with Rota SA, a major local exhibition company. IENE will be assisting ITE-ROTA in organising a regional oil and gas conference which will be held in the premises of the Metropolitan Expo centre where the exhibition will take place. Then on November 11-12 IENE will be celebrating 20 years of its annual "Energy & Development” conference which will be held as usual at the Eugenides Foundation in Athens. Finally a one day conference on "Energy Trading in SE Europe” is planned by IENE at the end of the year to be held in Bucharest and organised jointly with ROEC.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE