IENE: An exciting events programme for 2019

IENE: An exciting events programme for 2019The Institute has just posted its revised events programme of events for this year and already interest is growing fast among members and associates who wish to be informed in detail. The first event of the year is now scheduled for next Monday, January 14, when IENE will celebrate the start of the start of the new year with the traditional ceremony of the breaking of the new year cake at a gathering of partners, associates and members in a down town hotel in Athens. The event will take place between 18:30 and 20:30 and will be held at the Electra Palace Hotel in Nikodimou Str.


The Institute has just posted its revised events programme of events for this year and already interest is growing fast among members and associates who wish to be informed in detail. The first event of the year is now scheduled for next Monday, January 14, when IENE will celebrate the start of the start of the new year with the traditional ceremony of the breaking of the new year cake at a gathering of partners, associates and members in a down town hotel in Athens. The event will take place between 18:30 and 20:30 and will be held at the Electra Palace Hotel in Nikodimou Str.

The next important meeting will take place on February 13 between 12:00 and 15:00 and will be held at the Divani -Caravel Hotel where IENE's first everannual report on Greece's energy sector will be presented to a large audience consisting of Institute members, senior management of major energy companies and members of the press.

The report is the result of a year long undertaking by the Institute's in house research staff and the objective is to present an all round and comprehensive report on Greece's dynamic energy sector and thus help stimulate discussion of the country's and the region's concerns related to market operation and investment. With Greece's energy system becoming more and more integratedand adapted at regionallevel the need to branch out and develop even closer cooperation with neighboring countries is becoming clearer by the day.

The issue of "energy transition" in SE Europe and beyond and the geopolitics involved.

Is the subject of an international colloquium which IENE is convening in Athens in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 5. Well respected authorities and internationally recognized experts will gather in Athens for this high level meeting entitled " The Geopolitics of Energy Transition". The colloquium will be held within the premises of the Ministry and its programme ,currently under preparation, will be announced early in February once confirmation has been received from most speakers. The next IENE event is scheduled to take place in Brussels in early April,to be organized in cooperation with Eurogas, in order to discuss the highly topical issue of "Where Europe will get its Gas From?". Details of this event are still being worked out and a formal announcement will be made later this month.

Further meetings organized by the Institute are also scheduled for May and June in Athens and Vienna respectively and provisional themes and dates have been posted on IENE's site under the events section. Provisional arrangements have also been made for Institute events in the second half of 2019 and dates and subject areas are also to be found under the events section of this site. The Institute's major annual event, the "Energy & Development" conference is being scheduled for November 19/20 in Athens while prior to that,in the second half of October, a break making event on Renewables will take place in Vienna, to be organized with the recently founded "Energy Centre Europe", under the captivating theme of ""Decarbonising SE Europe:When,where and how?"


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE