IENE actively Participated in this year’s RENPOWER Greece Investors Conference

IENE actively Participated in this year’s RENPOWER Greece Investors ConferenceOn June 30 & July 1, the US based Euroconvention Global organization organized a highly topical Conference to examine the Greek renewable market, which is undergoing rapid development. This two-day long highly focused event attracted more than 150 participants from Greece, other European countries and from the USA.

The conference comprised of four sessions which covered Greece’s path towards a sustainable and resilient energy environment, RES projects in Greek territory, power infrastructure and island connectivity, energy storage, smart grids, project financing aspects and innovative solutions, all contributing towards the energy transition in Greece.

IENE actively participate in the RENPOWER conference through its Chairman and Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis, who took part in Session III and made a presentation on the “Prospects for further RES Penetration in Greece’s Energy Market”. In his presentation, Costis Stambolis stressed the importance and vital role of higher RES penetration in Greece’s energy mix and the even higher RES contribution into the electricity mix, as this will help Greece to achieve the goals for its Energy Transition path.

In his presentation, which is available here, IENE’s Chairman stressed the still very important role that hydrocarbons play in Greece’s energy mix (more than 68% contribution) and the fast rise of natural gas, which now provides most of the electricity baseload. “Renewables, including large hydro, biomass, solar thermal, solar PC and wind have gained ground and from 6.0% in 2000 have more than tripled, to approx. 20% by 2020 withGreece attaining its EU target”, noted Stambolis.

Other speakers in the session included Dr. Yannis Vougiouklakis, who is a Senior Energy Expert at GIZ GmbH and Member of the Board at the Hellenic Energy Exchange, as well as Member of the Greek NECP Committee, Dr. Georgios Ayeridis, who is Director at the Department of Energy Efficiency at CRES and Mr. Kostas Komninos, who is Director of the Network of Sustainable Greek Islands (DAFNI), while the Session’s Moderator was Dr. Nikos Frydas, who is Principal and Head of Electricity at Grant Thornton Greece, as well as a long-standing IENE Partner.

It should be noted that, IENE actively backed and promoted this event among its members as it was one of the Supporting Organizations, while was one of the Media Partners of the Conference.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE