ΙΕΝΕ Actively Participated in the Annual BBSPA Conference in Vienna

ΙΕΝΕ Actively Participated in the Annual BBSPA Conference in ViennaΟn April 7 and 8, the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association (BBSPA) organized in Vienna its 22nd Annual Conference on oil and gas developments in Black Sea region and CE Europe

Οn April 7 and 8, the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association (BBSPA) organized in Vienna its 22nd Annual Conference on oil and gas developments in Black Sea region and CE Europe. BBSPA is an organization bringing together the main oil and gas and energy companies in the Balkan region, providing a forum for formal and informal exchange of information and views and facilitating discussion on the issues of the energy sector in the region through its annual conferences and meetings. Since its inception IENE has established a close working relation with BBSPA having participated in several of its events.

This year’s Vienna conference focused on eastern Europe’s upstream sector outlook, on legal and regulatory framework, on oil and gas markets and prices and finally on the risk in investments as well as the opportunities in the countries of the region.

IENE’s Deputy Director and Research Coordinator, Mr. Nicholas Sofianos actively participated in the conference as part of the Institute’s brief of monitoring and analyzing latest developments in the region. Mr. Sofianos’s participation was especially relevant and timely, as IENE is currently in the process of completing its major reference study "SE Europe Energy Outlook 2016” to be released later in the year.

Mr. Sofianos during his trip to Vienna had also meetings with associates of the Institute and representatives of international and European organizations based in the Austrian capital. Discussions with associates, focused on IENE’s plans to expand its presence in the SE European region and so improve cooperation with Austrian based companies and organizations.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE