Hillary Clinton Comes Out Against Trans-Pacific Partnership

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. "What I know about it, as of today, I am not in favor”, Clinton told in an interview with PBS’s Judith Woodruff in Iowa.

According to Clinton, the goal of trade agreements should be to produce new jobs, raise wages and protect national security. "I don’t believe it’s going to meet the high bar I have set,” the former US secretary of state said.

Clinton’s position on the trade deal currently being discussed by 12 nations on the Pacific Rim represents a reversal from her previous stand that distances her from the Obama administration. While serving the Obama administration, she backed the pact calling it the "gold standard” for trade deals during her trip in Australia in 2012.

Clinton’s move undercuts President Barack Obama’s efforts to win congressional approval for the deal.

The TPP deal, reached on Monday after marathon talks between the United States and 11 nations, aims to create a free trade area covering 40 percent of the world’s economy and would be a signature part of the president’s legacy.


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