Germany’s Voith Hydro is
interested in
participating in the
construction of hydro
power facilities on
rivers in Montenegro,
Elektroprivreda Crne
Gore (EPCG)
said.Montenegro is
utilizing only 17% of
its total hydroelectric
potential and if the
conditions for the
construction of new
power plants on the
rivers Moraca,
Komarnica, Lim, Cehotina
and Tara are created,
Voith Hydro would likely
participate in these
projects, EPCG reported
in its monthly bulletin,
quoting the regional
sales manager of the
German company, Prerag
Voith Hydro has carried
out several important
projects for the
reconstruction of the
two largest and most
important Montenegrin
hydro power plants -
Perucica and Piva - and
has plans to continue
its presence in the
country’s power
industry, Kunic said.
"Voith Hydro has,
through its subsidiary
Koessler - a producer of
equipment for small
hydro power plants of up
to 30 MW - actively
participated in the
construction of three
small hydro power plants
in the north of
Montenegro and will by
the end of this year
supply the equipment for
the installations of an
additional three
plants”, Kunica said.
EPCG operates867 MW of
installed generation
capacity, including 657
MW of hydro and 210 MW
of thermal power
capacity. The utility
produced 3,036 GWh of
electricity in2014.