Gazprom Boosts Daily Gas Exports to Europe to Record Levels

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Russian gas monopoly Gazprom in November set absolute daily records of natural gas supplies to Europe overpassing the previous records, which were established during the bitter frosts of January 2008, Gazprom Export’s Blue Fuel Newsletter reported in its December issue.

Highest export volumes were recorded in several consecutive days with the historical maximum of 614.5 mcmd reached on November 29th which is more than enough to satisfy daily demand in energy of all European households, according to the newsletter.

At the beginning of December 2016, Gazprom Export beat the all-time historical record set in 2013 (161.5 bcm).

"Demand for Russian gas is so high as if severe frosts have been set in Europe. This is a further proof that Russian gas is competitive and highly sought energy source on the European market. And that the new gas transit routes for reliable supplies — the Nord Stream 2 and the TurkStream — are needed by foreign consumers,” Gazprom Chairman Alexei Miller said.

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