France’s ambassador to the United Nations told a meeting of the UN Security Council on March 24 that "insufficient” progress has been made toward a nuclear deal with Iran.
"Iran must now make difficult choices if it truly wishes to regain the trust of the internationalcommunity," Ambassador François Delattre said.
The ambassador was referring to negotiations between Iran and six world powers: UnitedStates, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. The two sides are set to reach apolitical framework deal by the end of March and a full nuclear pact by June 30.
However, Iran’s demand for no limits on research and development of advanced centrifuges isthe major stumbling block. The centrifuges purify uranium for use in nuclear reactors or, ifhighly enriched, in weapons.
A second sticking point in the negotiations is that Iran has demanded the UN lift sanctions assoon as a deal is signed.
"Iran will need to show greater flexibility and take some tough decisions in the coming days ifwe are to achieve a deal," Britain's Deputy UN Ambassador Peter Wilson told the council.
"We are determined to come to a solid agreement ... which enables the establishment andguarantee in the long term of the exclusively peaceful aims of the Iranian nuclear program," Delattre said.