EuroAsia Interconnector: Approval of Electricity Interconnection Between Cyprus and Greece

In a historic decision for Cyprus, the Energy Regulatory Authorities of Cyprus and Greece, have issued a joint decision for the cross-border cost allocation of the electricity interconnection EuroAsia Interconnector between Cyprus and Greece, as provided by the European Regulation 347/2013 for Projects of Common Interest (PCIs).

This is a historic moment for Cyprus as it ends the electricity isolation of the last European Union member state that remains energy isolated.

The EuroAsia Interconnector, as the official Project Promoter from the European Commission, expresses its warmest appreciation to all the competent authorities in Cyprus and Greece, the European Commission for their continuing support and especially the Energy Regulatory Authorities of Cyprus and Greece.

The EuroAsia Interconnector as a leading Project of Common Interest (PCI) of the European Union, comprises of the electricity interconnection between the grids of Israel, Cyprus and Greece (via Crete) through a subsea DC cable and with HVDC onshore converter stations at each connection point, with a total capacity of 2000MW. The project is an energy highway and bridge between the two continents with a total length of 1520kms and creates a reliable alternative route for the transfer of electric energy to and from Europe.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE