The need to further connect Hungary’s electricity grids to the networks of neighbouring countries and ways of lowering the costs of the energy transition in Europe was expected to be one of the main topics during European Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovičtrip to Hungary, which is part of his second Energy Union Tour, the European Commission said on June 19.
Šefčovič is expected to meet with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Foreign and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó and Energy Minister András Aradszky to discuss the Clean Energy for All Europeans package published last November and in particular on the Energy Union’s governance and national energy and climate plans.
Šefčovič is expected to witness the signature by Hungary and Croatia of a memorandum of understanding on building infrastructure to create bi-directional natural gas flow between the two countries. Ukraine is also reportedly interested to participate in the formation of the "gas corridor”.
Šefčovič is expected to meet with energy stakeholders to discuss Hungary’s role in the European energy transition and the benefits that a fully functioning EU internal energy market can bring to Hungarian citizens and businesses. During his visit Vice-President will also meet with NGOs to discuss Energy Union policy and projects.
"Hungary is doing really well reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, and it reached its 2020 target for renewable energy already in 2015,” Šefčovič said ahead of his visit.
"It is the right of every Member State to determine its own energy mix. At the same time cooperation at a regional level can substantially contribute to ensuring secure energy supplies and energy prices that are affordable for households and for businesses. Boosting more efficient energy use, creating competitive markets and innovation are key in this respect,” he added.