The European Commission decided on April 26 to appoint Gilles Gantelet to the position of Director for Policy in its department for Environment (DG ENV).
Gantelet, a French national, joined the Commission in 1994. His career at the Commission focused on communication policy, including as Spokesperson for former Commissioners Jacques Barrot and Loyola de Palacio.
According to the Commission, he covered a variety of other topics, including monitoring and implementation of various programmes and priority policies in different areas such as transport, energy, internal market, industry and environment as well as human resources and regional policy. In 2010, Gantelet became Head of Unit for Communication and Interinstitutional Relations in the department for Energy (DG ENER). Since 2016, he is heading the unit in charge of Sustainable Developments Goals Strategy in the department for Environment. The appointment will take effect on May 1, 2017.