EU Clears Acquisition of Getec Energie Companies By EQT, GEH

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The European Commission said on February 13 that it has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of joint control by Luxemburg’s EQT Fund Management, together with Germany’s Getec Energie Holding, over Getec Heat & Power, Getec Wärme & Effizienz, Getec Media, Getec shared services and Getec Contracting by way of purchase of shares.

The Getec Energie companies are specialised in energy contracting in Germany. GEH is a company active in energy services in connection to production and distribution and in the optimisation of customers’ energy supply in the form of heat, steam, cooling and electricity.

EQT is an investment fund that seeks to make investments in infrastructure and infrastructure-related assets and businesses in Northern Europe, Continental Europe and North America.

The Commission said in a press release that it concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns because of the parties’ negligible combined market shares on the relevant markets. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

(, February 13, 2017)
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