ENI Temporarily Closes Val d’Agri Oil Centre

Italian oil and gas group ENI announced on April 18 the temporary closure of the Val d’Agri Oil Centre in Viggiano and has consequently started the procedures for plant shut down.

"This decision has been taken in consideration of the positions expressed by the territory, the President of the Region and the Regional Council,” ENI said in a press release.

Following Italy’s Basilicata region’s decision to again block operations at ENI’s Val d’Agri Oil Centre, ENI said on April 18 that it confirms that it has fulfilled all the requirements imposed by the competent authorities, who have been kept continuously informed about the intervention activities and ongoing environmental monitoring.

"During the closure process, ENI will continue with the necessary controls to reassure its stakeholders on the correctness and effectiveness of its work, the integrity of the system and the presence of all safety conditions for carrying out its operating activities,” the Italian oil and gas group said.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


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