Eni Makes New Gas Discovery in Offshore Egypt

Eni discovered a new natural gas source in the Nour exploration prospect, located in the Nour North Sinai Concession in the eastern Egyptian Mediterranean, Eni announced in a statement on Thursday.

The statement said the Nour-1 well, located about 50 kilometers north of the Sinai Peninsula, found "33 meters of gross sandstone pay with good petrophysical properties and an estimated gas column of 90 meters in the Tineh formation of Oligocene age." "The Nour-1 New Field Wildcat (NFW), which has led to the discovery, was drilled by the Scarabeo-9 semi-sub in a water depth of 295 meters and reached a total depth of 5,914 meters," according to company's statement.

In the concession, which is in participation with Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS), Eni is the operator with a 40 percent stake, BP holds a 25 percent interest, Mubadala Petroleum has a 20 percent share and the Tharwa Petroleum Company holds a 15 percent contractor’s share. The well has not been tested, however, intense and accurate data acquisition has been carried out. Eni along with the joint venture participants will start feasibility studies to accelerate the exploitation of these new resources in conjunction with existing facilities and infrastructures, following field evaluation.

"Eni in Egypt operates through its subsidiary, Italian Egyptian Oil Company (IEOC), since 1954. The company is the country's leading producer with equity above 340,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day that will further grow in 2019 with the ramp up of the Zohr Project," Eni underlined.

(Anadolu Agency)

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