Throughout the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, the power sector is committed to help the recovery of European Union( EU) with ready energy projects that can boost the economy, deliver immediate jobs and produce long-term environmental benefits, Eurelectric, the organization representing electricity industry in European countries, said in a statement on Monday.
"Electrification is a critical enabler of EU’s economic recovery and closely interlinked with Europe’s Green Deal ambitions. It is therefore essential to invest and tackle the barriers that have hampered an accelerated electrification of buildings, transport and energy intensive industries, during the first quarter of 2020," the organization said in the statement on the impacts of COVID-19 on electricity sector.
It is stated that enabling the roll-out of Electric Vehicles (EV) charging infrastructure could help revive local manufacturing capacities and create jobs. In addition, only 17% of the 1 million public charging points needed by 2025 have been deployed, and multiple installation projects have been postponed or cancelled this year.Building renovation and electrification holds a significant potential to reignite the European economy.
"Today, merely 25% of Europe’s buildings stock is energy efficient. But, coupling insulation projects with the shift to electric heat pumps would bring direct efficiency gains and reduced energy bills. Moreover, such programs could help create about 1.4 million local jobs," Euroelectric stated.
Eurelectric President Magnus Hall said that the European recovery strategy should help accelerate the transition to a cleaner future.
"By prioritizing investments in areas such as fossil-free energy, EV charging infrastructure, distribution grid reinforcements and electrification of heating systems, we have a unique opportunity to stimulate employment and address the climate challenge at the same time," he added.
(Anadolu Agency, May 25, 2020)