EDF Eyeing Hydropower Projects in Serbia - Energy Minister

Serbia's energy minister Aleksandar Antic said French state-run utility companyElectricite de France(EDF) has expressed serious interest in participating in the development of hydropower projects in his country.

Representatives of EDF have expressed interest in cooperating with Serbian state-owned power utility EPS in the development of hydropower projects, as well as in the development of Serbia's power distribution network, Antic said in a video file posted on the website of news agency Tanjug on Monday.

The Serbian government and EDF will analyse the underused hydropower potential of the country to develop joint projects, Antic said and added that a delegation of managers ofEDFvisited Serbia in February to meet with representatives of the energy ministry, EPS and transmission system operator Elektromreza Srbije (EMS).

In January, Antic signed a letter of intent with the French ambassador to Serbia, Frederic Mondoloni, under which the governments of the two countries will support cooperation in the field of renewable energy, the increase of the efficiency of the Serbian power grid and energy efficiency.

In December, the Serbian president's office said French president Emmanuel Macron plans to visit Serbia in 2018.


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