Drinking Water in Sofia is Among the Best in Europe

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Sofia residents drink the best water in Bulgaria, with water in Sofia ranked sixth in quality in Europe, said Vasil Trenev, executive director of Sofiyska Voda. The company presented to the media its "ninja turtles" employees, who take care of the maintenance of the sewerage network. It turns out that the underground collectors in which people can walk have a total length of about 600 km.

After the heavy rains, the sewerage network in Sofia has been more good with no troubles, Stanislav Stanev, who heads the Exploitation and Maintenance Directorate of the company. "This is due to our work without rest during the rains, the main contribution is preventive work, we work in days when it is sunny, we clean up, we remove obstacles in the sewer system so there will be no problems during the rain," he said. According to him every year about 10 percent of the net length is cleaned or about 1700 km. Unique in the capital and something that is done in just three more places in Europe is that company employees go to large channels with a total length of about 600 kilometers in which people can walk and find various obstacles and remove them.

The company envisages investments for this year amounting to BGN 50 mln. 14 mln of them are for sewerage. The priority objects will be in the Orlandovtsi and Simeonovo districts as well as in the central part of the city.



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