Despite the Worsening Pandemic IENE Presses Ahead With a Diverse Programme of Activities

Saturday, 06 February 2021

Despite the Worsening Pandemic IENE Presses Ahead With a Diverse Programme of Activities

Although governments across Europe are tightening up measures in order to limit the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus pandemic the need for discussion and analysis on current economic,regional and energy policy issues is becoming ever more necessary

Hence IENE has gone ahead with the planning and organisation of a series of public events and educational courses for 2021 covering a broad range of topics ranging from energy efficiency,energy storage and decarbonisation to hydrogen,nuclear power and green liquid fuels.

At this stage all activities are planned and implemented on an online basis but should conditions improve a hybrid organisational model is contemplated whereby speakers,panelists and a limited audience may actually meet with the proceedings being broadcasted via live streaming. It should be noted that since last May IENE has held online several webinars,conferences and courses thus gaining much needed experience. Taking stock of this newly gained expertise and strengthened through the broadening of its partners base ( see announcement of October 23 on admission of new partners from SEE countries)the Institute, over the next few months, will be reaching out across SE Europe and the East Mediterranean with an agenda largely focused on Energy Transition issues.

On January 12 the Institute organised with great success and huge participation a one day online workshop on Energy Efficiency for Businesses,Industry and Public Buildings. Although this event focused on Greece,on account of the government's newly launched household energy efficiency programme, it has provided valuable experience which will allow IENE to plan a similar workshop on a SEE scale and most likely to take place next October. On February 11&12 the Institute,backed by industry leaders, is convening  a unique conference at European level to discuss the prospects for the introduction of Green Liquid Fuels (see relevant banner for full details and the conference programme)

Looking further ahead plans are being laid for the organisation of three major events before summer recess. " Energy Transition and the role of Natural Gas in SEE" will be held as a two to three hour Webinar and will explore the intricacies involved on how natural gas fits in with the much touted EU's Green Deal strategy which at this stage appears one sided aiming to natural gas's total exclusion from the future energy mix.

Another important event, most likely to be held as an online conference, next May will examine "Electric Mobility and Smart Cities" in a SEE context, to be followed by an all day hybrid event in June to discuss Energy Investments in the region. Also in June, IENE aims to release and publicise its major study, the "SEE Energy Outlook 2021" which has been in the making over the last 18 months.

As conditions related to pandemic abatement remain blurred it is too early to discuss plans for the second half of the year other than stating that an outline programme is in place but because of the prevailing uncertainty it would be presumptuous to announce any details. What we could state with some certainty though is that plans are going full speed ahead for the organisation of a series of educational courses mainly addressed to energy professionals and state holders who are involved in energy projects. Energy Efficiency, Introduction to RES, Managing Energy Markets in the Digital World, Introduction to Energy & Geopolitics ( 3d series), Competition in SEE Energy Markets a.o., are the titles of some of the courses now being planned with the first one on "Energy Efficiency Techniques" scheduled to start in the last week of February.

As IENE's programme of events,webinars and educational courses unfolds detailed announcements will be posted on this website and information will also be send directly to members through circulars in the usual fashion.

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