ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP Operating Steadily under the Hardest Measures against COVID-19

Friday, 24 April 2020

ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP operates steadily under the most stringent measures against COVID-19 and contributes to the security of Bulgaria's electricity system. The power plant is ready with an emergency plan to deal with significant changes in the epidemiological situation in the country which require continuing its operation in isolation mode.

The company has prepared and equipped a special building on the site of the power plant which, if necessary, can accommodate volunteers from the operating team for the period of time needed, provided with meals and suitable living conditions. The aim is thus to stop the access of outside people and to provide additional protection for the employees’ health. Staff at the medical center and the fire department at the TPP, which provide 24-hour service on site, are also ready to enter special mode of operation when needed.

"I hope we won’t have to activate all the measures in our emergency plan. However, the spread of COVID-19 worldwide requires that we be prepared, including for a less favorable scenario - to work for a certain period of time in isolation to ensure the reliable operation of the power plant. I would like to thank our employees who are willing voluntarily to sacrifice their family time to ensure stable electricity production, " said Krasimir Nenov, Executive Director of ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3.

In recent weeks, hard additional safety measures have been taken at the power plant to protect the employees' health. The body temperature of all enetering the TPP’s premises is measured by specialized thermal cameras while observing the necessary distance between the people. Upon finding a person with hightemperature their access to the power plant is terminated immediately, they are placed in temporary isolation conditions and after consultation with a medical professional, referred to their general practitioner in accordance with the established procedure. In addition, further disinfection of the workplaces is being carried out, special personal protective equipment is provided, outside access is restricted, a work mode is created that fosters the necessary distance between people, extraordinary briefings are conducted and the workplace commuting is reorganized. Remote work conditions have also been established for most of the staff.

ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 owns and operates the first lignite coal-fired thermal power plant in Southeastern Europe, which operates in full compliance with the highest European standards of occupational safety and environmental protection. The power plant generates 10% of the electricity in Bulgaria, using local energy sources and thus contributes to guaranteeing the energy security and independence of the country. Over BGN 1.4 billion has been invested in ensuring the TPP’s reliable operation and in environmental protection measures. The shareholders are the international energy company ContourGlobal (73%) and the National Electricity Company (27%).

(, April 23, 2020)

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