Consumers must be top priority forenergy regulators, otherwise regulators will lose out,Remko Bos, vice president of the Council of European Energy Regulators said Tuesday.
Speaking at the SixthWorld Forum on Energy Regulation,sponsored by Anadolu Agencyin Istanbul, Bos said energy consumers are currently confined bywhat is on offer on the market.
"We, as energy regulators, see consumers as very important and we need to give top priority to them. Households and businesses should be able to choose their own energy suppliers,"Bos said.
According to Bruno Liebhaberg, director general of CERRE, the Centreon Regulation in Europe,new technologies andinnovation will need a transitional period tobring about new energy models.
"New energy models could involvesmart cities andsmart grids," he said.
Liebhaberg saidthe role of energy regulators during this ’transitional period’ from traditionaltonew technologiesis very important andthe balance between sustainability, affordable prices and security of supply is needed for such developmentsto take place.
"In this complicated system, consumers and citizens need to be guided, they need support. Political will, corporate design and innovation may take an important share in this period. The speed of transition depends on governments because they will set up the rules for regulation,"he added.
The forum, hosted by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), is held in Istanbul and focuses on energy regulation. Its aim is to foster a common approach toenergy regulation by gathering regulatory heads and representatives from developed and developing countries.
(Anadolu Agency)