Clean Shipping Fuels and LNG Τop IENE’s “Energy & Shipping” Seminar Agenda

Clean Shipping Fuels and LNG Τop IENE’s “Energy & Shipping” Seminar AgendaClean fuels and LNG are global shipping hottest topics in this year’s Posidonia International Shipping Exhibition where IENE is hosting its regular “Energy & Shipping” Seminar on Friday, June 8. As the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2020 deadline for a global sulphur limit in fuel oil used on board ships is fast approaching. The transition of shippings transition to cleaner fuels is acquiring a new urgency

Clean fuels and LNG are global shipping hottest topics in this year’s Posidonia International Shipping Exhibition where IENE is hosting its regular "Energy & Shipping” Seminar on Friday, June 8. As the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2020 deadline for a global sulphur limit in fuel oil used on board ships is fast approaching. The transition of shippings transition to cleaner fuels is acquiring a new urgency.

And as European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc stated in her speech during the official opening ceremony of Posidonia 2018, the world’s most prestigious shipping trade event, the European Union’s "Vision of Zero Emissions from transport by 2050”, would have additional long term implications for shipowners worldwide.

"The global sulphur cap brings valuable opportunities for the EU manufacturing industry and Europe is leading the development on the use of LNG as a fuel for shipping, which attracts strong interest also in other regions of the world.”

Indeed, the future of maritime transport is inescapably linked with the welfare of people and the planet. This is why a global approach on decarbonization and environmental sustainability is very much a hot topic on the exhibition floor at Posidonia 2018, where shipbuilders, engine manufacturers and scrubber providers are showcasing their clean fuel plans and strategies vying to attract the attention of shipowners and fleet operators.

The particularly important role played by the Greek merchant fleet in the transportation of global energy commodities has prompted IENE to organise once again this pioneering event in collaboration with Posidonia and with the active participation of a number of leading ship operators, energy traders and leading legal firms. This year’s special theme focuses on the new bunkering fuel specifications and the increasingly important role that LNG plays in the expansion of the global natural gas market.

Eleven prominent speakers from the oil and gas sector, from the shipping sector and maritime law from Greece and abroad are participating as speakers and panelists. Detailed information on the speakers and the event’s programme you may find by following the link:

The seminar is anon-fee-payingevent open toall IENE membersandPosidonia participants. However, registration is required beforehand both through IENE: Posidonia:

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE