Chairman’s New Year Message Expresses Optimism in Tackling the New Challenges Ahead

Chairman’s New Year Message Expresses Optimism in Tackling the New Challenges AheadAs is customary the Chairman of IENE upon the occasion of the start of the new year send to the Institute’s partners a New Year’s message where he outlined the achievements of the past year but also discussed the challenges which lie ahead

As is customary the Chairman of IENE upon the occasion of the start of the new year send to the Institute’s partners a New Year’s message where he outlined the achievements of the past year but also discussed the challenges which lie ahead.

«As I have already underlined in the recently released IENE News (Issue No.9) just before Christmas» observed the Chairman of IENE Mr. Costis Stambolis «Τhe year 2022 was a period where things gradually got back to normal following almost two anomalous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As people tried to forget the pandemic and were eager to meet again with friends and associates their attention span on professional issues waned, to say the least. In this sense the Institute did not manage to organize as many events and educational courses as it had planned and therefore it concentrated on essentials such as the completion and release of IENE’s flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2021/2022” and the follow up roadshows for its promotion. These consisted of the Outlook’s presentation to selected audiences in several countries in the region, including Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, Cyprus and of course Greece. More such promotional events are now planned during the first half of 2023 in Albania, Romania and London (UK)».

«In addition, last year the organization of our two major conferences, the 13th SEE Energy Dialogue in Thessaloniki (June 16&17) and the 26th annual “Energy & Development Conference”, in Athens (November 22/23 November) took place with high level speaker participation and good audience attendance and with the backing of major companies. Also, on September 28 we managed to convene in Athens a wel attended Workshop of special significance to energy practitioners as it addressed the key issues of grid management and energy storage».

«During 2022 the Institute carried on with the regular publication of its various newsletters while in addition it expanded its research and study work by undertaking a major multi-client study on CCUS (to be completed in the first half of 2023) and completed a regional cost benefit analysis for RAE, the Greek Energy Regulator, on the expansion of the national gas network to the western part of Greece. Furthermore, before the year ended the Institute undertook its first assignment on the issuing of a Green Bond which will help finance the construction of a cluster of photovoltaic plants in Cyprus. The verification report, currently under preparation, is to be completed within January and in accordance with the strict Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) standards to which IENE adheres».

Looking ahead the Chairman of IENE said that, «Expanding work on Green Bonds and related Advisory Services remains a key objective for the Institute in 2023. In order to support its work on Green Bonds the Institute plans to organise a special colloquium, with the support of the. British Embassy in Athens within February ( a proper announcement will be forthcoming shortly) Other important events in 2023 (see attached list) to include the presentation of the “ SEE Energy Outlook” at the State University of Tirana in Albania at the end of January, a one day “Energy & Geopolitics” conference in early April, the 14 th SEE Energy Dialogue in Thessaloniki at the end of May and a one day conference on the “Nuclear Option for SE Europe”, to be organised jointly with the London based New Nuclear World Institute ( NNWI) and to be held in Budapest in late June. The annual conference on “Energy & Development” is also planned for mid November in Athens».

«In addition to the above the Institute intends to expand and upgrade its educational work by appointing an academic coordinator so as to be able to organize a series of courses (both online and with physical presence) so as to be able to serve the needs of companies and organizations active in the broad energy field. Most of the courses will be in English as attendance will be sought from all different countries in SE Europe».

The quest for financial support is a continuous process and is absolutely necessary in order to ensure the proper functioning of the organization. In this context IENE’s Chairman noted that «In order to support the Institute’s work in all the above areas IENE intends to tap support from regional and international foundations, from government sources, from EU programmes and from major energy companies. Hence, the Institute is now seeking to appoint a full-time professional fund raiser who will be based in its offices in Athens and work globally. Already an announcement to that effect has been posted on IENE’s official web site (See Employment Opportunities in ».

«In appointing new staff at senior level and thus expand its professional team the Institute is encouraged by the marked improvement of its finances during last year as gross income rose to nearly € 500 K, ie + 25% compared to the previous year. As momentum in the region’s energy sector is building up so is demand for the Institute’s presence and contribution to various events and related study projects. It will be no exaggeration to state that last year saw a broad-based recognition of the Institute as a regional organisation with invitations flooding in for its management to participate in important events such as the inauguration of new projects and high-level regional meetings».

Concluding his New Year circular, the Chairman expressed optimism that, «we should be able to tackle successfully the challenges which lie ahead in 2023. It goes without saying that we should strive to remain united in our common scope and noble endeavors, focused in our work and unwavering in our determination to help the energy community but also individual professionals engaged in difficult and demanding tasks. But above all we should aim towards contributing, with our knowledge and expertise, to improving the region’s social and energy conditions while protecting the environment at large».

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE