Bulgarian Minister of Energy: We will Bring the Belene NPP Report to Parliament within Days

"Bulgaria should seek the opportunity about realization on a market principle and without a state guarantee of the Belene NPP. To start this process, a parliamentary mandate will be needed." This was stated by the Minister of Energy Temenujka Petkova at the Atomexpo 2018 Forum in Sochi.

The Minister of Energy pointed out that within a few days the report will be submitted to the National Assembly on how to use the equipment for Belene NPP.

"All that we own as assets is extremely serious - that's about 3 billion levs of Bulgarian taxpayers money. We have equipment, we have a licensed site, we have a project notified by the EC in 2007. All this makes this project to be done faster compared to other projects in the region. I think we should try to look for an option for realization on a market principle and without a state guarantee. To start this process, we will need a mandate from parliament, "Minister Petkova said.

According to her, the only option NEK, BEH and the Bulgarian state to recover all funds invested so far is the realization of this project.

"If you go to one of the other options for realization of the equipment - not the Belene NPP site, it means that they have to automatically withdraw from NEK's assets some BGN 1.3 billion, and this is not the best economic solution. That is why we have concentrated in this direction - maximizing the use of everything we have in order to protect our national interest and our energy security, "said Minister Petkova.

She said she would inform Russian partners and potential investors after a decision has been taken in the National Assembly.

Petkova said that by the end of the year, the procedure for choosing a strategic investor should have been launched in the event that the SC gave a mandate.

"This will be a competition with clear criteria and conditions. We hope to confirm the investor interest that is being declared at the moment and to invite new investors and by the end of the year have more specific information, "the energy minister said.

(novinite.com, May 14, 2018)

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