Bulgarian Companies have a Chance to Participate in the Construction of the New Hungarian NPP

Bulgarian companies have the chance to participate in the construction of the new Hungarian NPP Paks-2. As well as in the other nuclear power plants that Rosatom is developing all over the world.

This was made clear during the International Atomic 2017 nuclear energy suppliers conference held in Budapest by the words of Rosatom's first Deputy Director-General, Kiril Komarov, and the Hungarian Minister on Paks-2, Janos Sully. They noted that for the construction of the new two blocks in Hungary, a large part of the activities will be carried out by local and European companies, which also concerns a fair share of supplies of equipment needed for the construction.

According to Sully, about 40% of it is expected to be produced by Hungarian companies. At the same time, however, Komarov noted that all competitions for the Paksch-2 NPP project are being done both under the laws of Russia and Hungary and according to EU standards. For this reason, auctions are made through an electronic platform, information about them is also published in the media, transparent and open to absolutely anyone who wants to participate in them. From which it is clear that any Bulgarian company that is involved in the production of some nuclear power plant equipment or provides consultancy or other services to the NPP has the chance to fight off and participate in the NPPP-2 project. And there are actually two suitable types of companies in Bulgaria.


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