Bulgarian President called for the accelerated integration of Bulgaria
and the region into the European gas market, for diversification of
energy sources and routes and for a balance as regards energy suppliers,
the press centre of the President’s Office announced.
"I am not impressed by the plans for an energy centre and by a "grand
slam". I will be really impressed when the Bulgarian energy sector
begins to function in a sustainable way and in the interest of the
people and the economy, not of a group of oligarchs," said the Head of
State, speaking before the participants in the Ninth Annual Conference
Government Meets The Business. Mr Plevneliev was on Tuesday a special
guest to the forum organised by the Capital.
Rosen Plevneliev remarked he was not against the idea of building a gas
hub on Bulgarian territory but called for our country’s integration
into the European gas market.
"We need urgent actions on the construction of gas interconnectors with
Greece, Turkey, Serbia, and Romania as well as on exploiting possible
gas fields of ours in the Black Sea shelf," Mr Plevneliev stressed.