Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia will Deepen Cooperation Under Projects to Guarantee Security of Gas Supplies to Southeastern Europe

Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia will deepen cooperation under projects which guarantee security of gas supplies to Southeastern Europe, according to the words of the Bulgaria’s Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, her Greek counterpart Giorgos Stathkakis and Serbia’s Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic said during the tripartite meeting with the 1st Oil and Gas Forum held in Alexandroupoli.

The Oil and Gas Forum is organized by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce.

Officials from energy watchdogs, market players, energy experts, entrepreneurs and investors will be discussing together the latest developments in the region’s energyprojects.  

Bulgarian Energy Minister accentuated on the strategic importance of the gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece which would boost diversification of gas supplies.

‘’The Bulgarian cabinet firmly supports the project and Bulgaria has been holding talks with the European Commission to provide additional financing’’ she pointed out.

"I am confident that Greece and Serbia will play an important role in the construction of the European gas hub" Balkan ", Minister Petkova also added.

According to the Greece Minister, this gas interconnector project needs additional financing from EU funds allotted both to Greece and Bulgaria. 

(novinite.com / Source: the Bulgarian National Radio and Trud Newspaper)

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