Bulgaria Accepts the Gazprom Antitrust Offer, Under Conditions

Bulgaria supports the European Commission stand that the Gazprom antitrust case can be brought to a conclusion but is of the opinion that this must be done under certain conditions, the government press office says, quoted by BNR.

The official Bulgarian stand is that the commitments the Russian gas giant promises to assume need to be amended, as in their current form, for example, they do not provide sufficient guarantees of the market prices of gas.

Bulgaria also finds unacceptable the fact that Gazprom companies and gas companies in Central and Eastern Europe are not placed on an equal footing, the government press release reads.

(novinite, May 4, 2017)

Bulgaria supports the European Commission stand that the Gazprom antitrust case can be brought to a conclusion but is of the opinion that this must be done under certain conditions, the government press office says, quoted by BNR.

The official Bulgarian stand is that the commitments the Russian gas giant promises to assume need to be amended, as in their current form, for example, they do not provide sufficient guarantees of the market prices of gas.

Bulgaria also finds unacceptable the fact that Gazprom companies and gas companies in Central and Eastern Europe are not placed on an equal footing, the government press release reads.  

- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/articles/180086/Bulgaria+Accepts+the+Gazprom+Antitrust+Offer%2C+Under+Conditions#sthash.RSTa0PLj.dpuf
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