As energy prices keep rising IENE’s latest issue on “Market Fundamentals & Prices” keeps track of latest developments

As energy prices keep rising IENE’s latest issue on “Market Fundamentals & Prices” keeps track of latest developments

As the latest energy price crisis unfolds with all basic energy commodities on the rise over the last six months the Institute, through its research team IENE keeps track on all aspects of the market. In this context the Institute informs on its its findings and analysis in the “ Market Fundamentals & Prices” newsletter, published every two months and forms part of the Institute’s long established “SEE Energy Brief” series.

IENE’s latest prices oriented newsletter was released on January 4,2022 and as usual covers the whole spectrum of energy commodities. The first part of the newsletter covers latest global developments in oil markets and draws heavily from IEA reports, although it also contains considerable regional information on product cracks and refining margins and on retail prices in all countries in SEE. Next comes an analysis of the regional electricity wholesale markets which inevitably impact retail prices. Here we notice particularly steep rises as shown in the graph. Most of these prices have their origin on expensively priced natural gas.

Wholesale gas prices,as traded in the various European gas hubs, were roughly 6 times higher at the end of 2021 compared to 12 months ago,Inevitably impacting electricity prices. The reasons for such a steep gas price rise were explained in detail in IENE’s October Monthly Analysis issue as published on November 17,2021. In addition to oil, electricity and gas, the “Market Fundamentals & Prices” newsletter covers solid fuels, mostly coal, and emissions. This 30 page report on energy prices has over the years proven a most valuable tool for tracking market changes and price swings.

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