Annual Report for 2020 provides useful insight on IENE’s diverse work and activities

Annual Report for 2020 provides useful insight on IENE’s diverse work and activitiesΤhe Annual Report (AR) of the Institute, which was approved at IENE’s Annual General Meeting held on June 30, aims to provide accurate and comprehensive information on the Institute of Energy for South-East Europe (IENE) and its activities and is primarily addressed to its Partners.

The Annual Report, which has just been uploaded on IENE’s website, is also useful to its members, to energy professionals and corporate entities, but also to institutional stakeholders as it provides detailed information on IENE’s work.

A quick glance at the Annual Report helps to understand the diverse work carried out by IENE. The preparation and regular dispatch to members of energy related information on global and regional issues and latest developments, together with suitable analysis is a core activity of the Institute and finds wide acceptance by individual members, companies and institutions. In addition, there is ample reference in the Report to the Institute’s research and study work which also forms core activity for the Institute.

Over the last 5 years IENE has expanded considerably its research capability having secured the necessary backing from international organizations, government entities and major companies. The report also describes IENE’s work on education as the Institute has of late placed emphasis in the development of specialized courses in order to cater to the educational and training needs of junior and senior executives. Furthermore, the report describes IENE's activities in the area of events including conferences, workshops and lately webinars; which during the Covid-19 period emerged as a prime area of activity. During most of last year considerable activity was conducted online including conferences, workshops, presentations, webinars and committee work.

Last year (2020) proved to be a most challenging period for the Institute because of the Covid-19. As a result, the Institute had to adopt and change somewhat its organizational structure and its operation in order to continue functioning inspite of the restrictions introduced on account of the pandemic. As a matter of fact, the Institute, its staff and its partners rose to the occasion and as a result work continued uninterrupted throughout the pandemic. Increased productivity was reported in all areas of engagement and a net positive result was achieved.

As Energy Transition gathers pace it is important to note that IENE’s role as a regional organization is becoming increasingly relevant as an important reference point for the entire energy sector in SE Europe.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE