Albania, Kosovo Sign Declaration on Common Energy Market

Albania, Kosovo Sign Declaration on Common Energy Market

Albania and Kosovo signed a declaration pledging to take a series of steps towards the establishment of a common energy market, Albania's energy ministry said on Wednesday.

This project will allow Albania and Kosovo to invest in a common thermal power station and to jointly use Albania's hydro power sources and Kosovo's coal resources, Albanian energy minister Damian Gjiknuri said.

Gjiknuri also said that the Albanian part of a 400 kilovolt (kV) power interconnector between the two countries will be completed in June.

The construction works on the Kosovo section were completed in 2015. The powerline is 238 km long, including 153.5 km in Albania.

Albania is also working on setting up a day-ahead power market which will be open to Kosovo companies for trade.

The countries have also applied together for EU funding for the feasibility study for a gas interconnector, which would be an extension of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline.

The 878 km TAP pipeline will transport Azeri gas from the giant Shah Deniz II field through the last leg of the Southern Gas Corridor, connecting with the Trans Anatolian Pipeline at the Turkish-Greek border at Kipoi and then crossing Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea, before coming ashore in Southern Italy.


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