A year full of activities!

A year full of activities!As the new year has just started it is worthwhile to look back and reflect on what happened over the last 12 months and what was actually achieved during this time. To start with last year was far more active compared to 2021 when the Covid pandemic reigned supreme and face to face meetings were seriously curtailed.

As the new year has just started it is worthwhile to look back and reflect on what happened over the last 12 months and what was actually achieved during this time. To start with last year was far more active compared to 2021 when the Covid pandemic reigned supreme and face to face meetings were seriously curtailed. Our take away from last year is that the Institute not only managed to complete some major research and study projects but also expand its outreach over a wide area in SE Europe. Below are some of the major highlights from last year:

In 2022, after two years of intensive preparation, IENE's major reference study the "South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022" was completed and published with the Study covering all countries of SE Europe. The Study was first presented at a special event at the Athens Energy Exchange (EnEx) on March 1 and was attended by leading players in the energy sector and senior executives of major Greek energy groups. This was followed by a series of roadshows in various countries in SE Europe, including Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey and Cyprus. The event in Sofia took place on March 8, followed by the one in Belgrade, jointly organized with the city's Chamber of Commerce and Industry on May 11. A presentation followed in Istanbul on May 24th hosted by with the Istanbul Energy Exchange (EPIAS) and in Nicosia on November 17th as part of the 10th Cyprus Energy Symposium organized by IENE and FMW Financial Media Way. A common feature of the above events was the presentation of the findings of the South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 followed by discussion.

On June 16-17, the 13th SEE Energy Dialogue took place in Thessaloniki. The two-day forum was attended by more than 60 distinguished speakers from Greece and abroad, including top executives from government agencies, large companies, international and regional organizations, well-known think tanks, leading legal and consulting firms, as well as representatives of the academic world and independent analysts. At the center of the Energy Dialogue were the serious challenges facing the region's energy sector today, with the issue of energy security and the EU's great effort to reduce dependence on Russian oil and natural gas dominating. The event was supported by several major companies active in SE Europe.

On September 28, a Workshop entitled "Electricity Storage and Grid Management for Maximum RES Penetration" was held in Athens. The aim of the Workshop was on the one hand to highlight the need for advanced energy management systems entailed by the implementation of large-scale RES, and on the other hand to explore the related possibilities and challenges at a time when the development and use of electrical energy storage systems has caused a real revolution. Leading experts and senior executives of the market from Europe, USA and Greece participated in the workshop.


Then, on November 22 and 23, the 26th "Energy & Development 2022" National Conference took place, one of the most successful that IENE has organized so far. Dozens of personalities and leading business executives of the field participated in the big annual meeting of the energy sector. At the conference, all key parameters related to energy, the economy, the environment and Energy Efficiency were discussed and thoroughly presented.  The highlight of the two-day IENE Conference was the 1st Athens Ministerial Energy Dialogue, held under the auspices and chairmanship of the Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Kostas Skrekas, and the participation of the Energy Ministers of Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo and Greece in a special panel discussion that took place during the Conference.


Furthermore, IENE, in collaboration with its Scientific Committees, organized throughout the year various of specialized webinars covering all different facets of the energy sector (electricity, natural gas, RES, energy efficiency, hydrocarbons, geopolitical developments), in an effort to keep its members well informed and abreast of developments but also contribute to a much needed discussion.

At the same time, during 2022, the Institute completed and published important studies on the promotion and penetration of natural gas in Western Greece, the financing of RES projects using Green Bonds and on the Economic and Geopolitical Benefits of Hydrocarbon Exploitation in Greece. In addition, the Institute's study on "Energy & Employment" took shape and is expected to be completed by April 2023, while in October a major research project on CCUS applications in Greece was launched with the financial support and participation of major energy and shipping companies and is scheduled to be completed in March 2023.

In its nearly 20 years of continuous operation, which will be celebrated next July, IENE has managed to establish itself as an independent think tank that covers the broader energy field in all countries in SE Europe and is represented through its partners in each country of the region. By maintaining constant contact with the global energy market and the wider energy community in SE Europe, and providing on a continuous basis high level of information to its members, the IENE is now regarded as a key organization for energy information, analysis and networking in SE Europe. In the coming years, the aim of the Institute is to further expand its role in the region, strengthen its research capability and offer first class advisory services.

An overview of the varied work of the Institute over the last months is given in its latest newsletter, IENE News, which was released in December and can be found here, while for more information about the Institute's activities and partnerships you may visit www.iene.eu.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE