A full program of events and educational courses for IENE in 2022

A full program of events and educational courses for IENE in 2022The Institute is going ahead once again with an all-round programme of events and educational courses to be organized during of 2022. Drawing from its considerable network of partners and associates in SE Europe and beyond the IENE has prepared a multifaced programme of activities for the current year.

The Institute is going ahead once again with an all-round programme of events and educational courses to be organized during of 2022. Drawing from its considerable network of partners and associates in SE Europe and beyond the IENE has prepared a multifaced programme of activities for the current year which you may view here.

A highlight in the first half of 2022 is the launch of the “South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022”, which is a major reference study published by the Institute and will be first presented in Athens at the Athens Exchange, on Wednesday, February 16, to be hosted by the Athens Energy Exchange (ENEX) in a hybrid event. Following that, there will be a series of presentations (roadshows), in several capitals and major cities of SE Europe.

Also, of great interest is the Energy and Storage Conference entitled: "Energy Storage and Grid Management for Maximum RES Use", scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, in Athens.

Of great regional importance, following an absence of 3 years, is the 13th SE Europe Energy Dialogue, which will be held in Thessaloniki on June 16 & 17 and an initial announcement will be made over the coming weeks.

In addition to the programme of conferences, workshops and webinars, IENE has prepared an ambitious programme of educational courses and training seminars that includes the highly successful "Managing Energy Markets in a Complex World", which was first organized in fall 2021, a course on Electricity and Gas Markets in SEE, on Energy Efficiency, etc., and also the postgraduate seminar "Introduction to Energy and Geopolitics", to be conducted in in collaboration with the Institute of International Relations (IIR) of Panteion University for the third time.

Details for each event will in advance be posted on IENE’s sites (www.iene.gr, www.iene.eu).

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE