14th South East Europe Energy Dialogue, Thessaloniki, 25/26 May,2023

14th South East Europe Energy Dialogue, Thessaloniki, 25/26 May,2023As the repercussions of the recent energy crisis are still being felt across Europe the Institute is going ahead with plans to organise its annual SEE Energy Dialogue which is to be held in Thessaloniki, at the end of May. The town of Thessaloniki, Greece’s northern commercial capital, has been chosen once again for this year’s colloquium as it is located at the commercial and energy crossroads of SE Europe and the East Mediterranean.

As the repercussions of the recent energy crisis are still being felt across Europe the Institute is going ahead with plans to organise its annual SEE Energy Dialogue which is to be held in Thessaloniki, at the end of May. The town of Thessaloniki, Greece’s northern commercial capital, has been chosen once again for this year’s colloquium as it is located at the commercial and energy crossroads of SE Europe and the East Mediterranean. In this sense the Institute is expecting maximum participation from all counties in the broader region including the West Balkans, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus and Greece. Representatives from major energy suppliers to SEE are also expected to have strong presence in this year’s conference including senior government officials and company executives from major Middle East producers.

The “SEE Energy Dialogue” has been established by IENE from its very start in 2007 as an important regional event spanning across the entire energy spectrum. The purpose of this regional forum, which is being organized for the 13th consecutive time, with the support of leading and regional organisations and major energy companies, is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from all countries of S.E. Europe and beyond. The objective being the exchange of information and ideas, networking and the furthering of cooperation for the tackling of pressing global and regional energy issues.

Europe's, and particularly SE Europe’s, high dependence on fossil fuels, the current volatile energy pricing environment, the global concern for the development of viable alternatives and the need to promote further carbon free solutions emerge as key policy issues. As usual the “Energy Dialogue” will also cover the latest developments in the region’s evolving natural gas, electricity and RES markets and the ongoing energy partnerships with major oil and gas suppliers.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year and the huge negative impact on European energy markets, gas supply disruptions and unprecedented electricity and gas prices the issue of energy security has come into sharp focus. In this context this year’s SEE Energy Dialogue is expected to discuss at some length the region’s priorities in securing uninterrupted and competitively priced energy supplies. The role of alternative gas supply routes, LNG, cross border interconnections and electricity grid upgrades together with latest achievements in renewable energy applications and CCUS applications will also be examined in depth.

The 14th  SE Europe Energy Dialogue will be held at The Met Hotel in Thessaloniki. The conference will start at approx. 6 pm on Thursday, May 25 to be followed by the official dinner and will end on Friday, May 26 at 18:00. The event programme is under preparation with the Energy Dialogue agenda and keynote speakers to be announced shortly.


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE