3rd Mare Forum Held in Athens With Strong IENE Participation

3rd Mare Forum Held in Athens With Strong IENE ParticipationFollowing the two successful conferences held in 2014 and 2015 in Greece convened by the Mare Forum organization, the 3rd Mare Forum Maritime Transportation of Energy Europe 2016 took place on 2 March at the Hilton Hotel in Athens

Following the two successful conferences held in 2014 and 2015 in Greece convened by the Mare Forum organization, the 3rd Mare Forum Maritime Transportation of Energy Europe 2016 took place on 2 March at the Hilton Hotel in Athens. More than 150 senior executives attended, in what proved to be again a unique forum for the leading players of the energy shipping industry, oil and gas industries and regulatory institutions to explore and examine common challenges.

A main premise of this latest Mare Forum gathering was that the maritime transportation and energy industries should produce and provide to consumers worldwide, readily available and reliable energy resources at the lowest possible cost, while enjoying a reasonable profit. This to be accomplished in a safe, secure and environmentally responsible manner but also in a way that facilitates commerce to minimize transportation costs. The 3rd"Mare Forum” also looked into the priority issues most affecting energy development and marine transportation which must be coordinated and managed together by government and the private sector in order to meet current and long-term energy and maritime transportation needs.

The main conference topics included:

(a) The Energy Big Picture: geopolitics, world economy outlook, regulations, demand and supply of oil and gas, shale gas, energy alternatives, pipelines vs. shipping, the shipping markets outlook. Exploration and Production – Mediterranean ultra deep-Water oil and gas, geopolitical challenges and exploration, production and transportation in the region and the world. Technical challenges for offshore and onshore gas terminals and more.

(b)Maritime Transportation of Energy -Maritime Assurance within the energy supply-chain, operational excellence, ships, oil, lpg-lng-cng market outlook, sustainability, security, safety, KPI’s, finance and investments, prevention, risks, future ships, future fuels, future innovations. Challenges for Shipping Companies in implementing industry best practices, fleet management, energy efficiency requirements and addressing the Human Element.

Philip Embiricos, a well known shipowner and Past President at BIMCO, was the session chairman on ‘Energy, the Big Picture’ while Harry Vafias, President and CEO of StealthGas was the session’s rapporteur. Speakers included personalities from the energy world including Dr. Leo Drollas., an experienced energy consultant and past director of the London based Center for Global Energy Studies, Dr. Charles Ellinas president of Cyprus Natural Gas Hydrocarbons Company, Solon Kassinis, CEO of Kassinis Associates, Mr. John Tsavliris,  Principle of Tsavliris Group, and Professor Yiannis Maniatis MP and former Minister of energy of Greece,

Several IENE partners and associates attended the 3rd Mare Forum where they actively participated in its proceedings as discussion panelists. They included IENE’s chairman Mr. John Chatzivassiliadis, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis, Mr. Spyros Paleoyannis IENE’s past Deputy Chairman and ex-CEO of DEPA, and Ms. Teresa Fokianou, a founding partner of IENE and Executive Chairperson of Athens based Flow Energy SA.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE