Turkish Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism (YEKDEM) provided 11.5 billion Turkish liras for Turkey's clean electricity generation in 2016, according to Turkey's Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST) data on Sunday.
YEKDEM was first launched in 2011 to use the country's vast clean sources efficiently and support its development in Turkey.
The Capacity Payments Mechanism, implemented in countries such as the Turkey and the U.K., is a fixed revenue system of payment for participants offering generation capacity in the electricity market.
In 2017, Turkey aims to generate 69 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity with the help of this mechanism.
"Last year, Turkey produced 59 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity from clean sources such as hydroelectricity, wind energy, solar energy and biomass," according to EXIST's data.
- Highest energy generation seen in March 2016
The highest electricity production from clean resources came in March 2016 with more than 5.20 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity while the lowest generation was in November 2016 with around 583 million kilowatt-hours.
Last year, YEKDEM's installed capacity was around 14,648 megawatts (MW), which was generated from 556 electricity power plants. In 2017, installed clean energy capacity of 17,400 MW from 647 power plants is projected.
"The targeted electricity generation is around 69.23 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for the current year," according to EXIST.
YEKDEM offers a feed-in tariff of 0.073 Turkish lira per kilowatt hour (kWh) for wind and hydropower projects, 0.105 liras for geothermal facilities and 0.133 liras for solar energy and biomass geothermal plants
The tariffs are currently available for renewable energy projects that will be operational at the latest by year-end 2020.
(Anadolu Agency)