10th Cyprus Energy Symposium to Highlight Cyprus’ Role as An Energy Hub in the Eastern Mediterranean

10th Cyprus Energy Symposium to Highlight Cyprus’ Role as An Energy Hub in the Eastern MediterraneanThe landmark event in Cyprus’ energy sector, the annual Cyprus Energy Symposium will be held for the tenth time on November 17, 2022, at the Royal Hall Hotel in Nicosia, jointly organized by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) and FMW Financial Media Way. Once again, the Symposium will bring together senior government officials, energy professionals, executives of energy companies, officials, decisionmakers and academics from Cyprus, Greece, SE Europe but also the Middle East

The landmark event in Cyprus’ energy sector, the annual Cyprus Energy Symposium will be held for the tenth time on November 17, 2022, at the Royal Hall Hotel in Nicosia, jointly organized by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) and FMW Financial Media Way. Once again, the Symposium will bring together senior government officials, energy professionals, executives of energy companies, officials, decisionmakers and academics from Cyprus, Greece, SE Europe but also the Middle East. The President of the Republic of Cyprus, H.E. Mr. Nikos Anastasiadis will be the keynote speaker at the 10th Cyprus Energy Symposium, which is entitled “Cyprus: An Energy Hub in the Eastern Mediterranean”.

This year’s Symposium will be marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Co-operation between Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company (CHC) and the Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company S.A. (HEREMA S.A.) by the heads of both companies, Ms. Toula Onofriou and Mr. Aristofanis Stefatos, respectively. 

Moreover, the Chairman and Executive Director of IENE, Mr. Costis Stambolis, the Secretary General and Chairman of the IENE Energy Efficiency Committee, Mr. Costas Theofylaktos and the Chairman of IENE Geopolitics Committee will present the Institute’s flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2021/2022”.

The Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Cyprus, Ms. Annita Dimitriou, the Minister of Energy, Trade and Industry, Ms. Natasha Pileidou, Greece’s Minister of Energy of Greece, Mr. Kostas Skrekas, Dr. Andreas Poullikkas, Chairman of Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA), foreign ambassadors, representatives of foreign companies involved in hydrocarbon research in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone, senior executives of international energy companies, academics and distinguished personalities from politics and business from ​​Cyprus, Greece and abroad are among the confirmed speakers of the 10th Cyprus Energy Symposium.

The overwhelmingly rapid developments in the regional, European and global energy scene, as result of the war in Ukraine, the efforts undertaken by the EU to wean itself off natural gas imports from Russia, the geopolitical and economic realignments, the global effects of the unfolding energy crisis and regional instability, as well as the ongoing threats and provocative actions by Turkey in the EEZ of Cyprus, make this year's Energy Symposium very topical, since the speakers and panelists will be asked to examine and discuss:

  • The geopolitical changes and their effect on the energy sector and the economy, in general, in Europe and in the East Mediterranean region.
  • Assessment of the international energy crisis and how it effects the region.
  • Cyprus' next steps in hydrocarbons exploration, in the light of latest data
  • Cyprus potential in helping Europe diversify its gas supply.
  • The prospects for real energy cooperation among the states of the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • The importance of natural gas resources in energy transition.
  • Investments by energy companies in the SE Mediterranean.
  • The various plans for constructing pipelines to transport natural gas from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe.
  • Utilization of natural gas for power generation.
  • Electrical cross-border interconnections including the Eastern Mediterranean.
  • The creation and implementation of the necessary legal and administrative framework aimed at improving energy efficiency in Cyprus.

Overall, the subjects to be covered in the 10th Cyprus Energy Symposium will focus on natural gas, oil, electricity, RES and energy efficiency, as well as their geopolitical repercussions.

For further information on and participation in this year’s Symposium, visit www.fmw.com.cy, www.iene.gr or the event’s website www.cyprusenergysymposium.com

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE